Bipolar Disorder
Summit Health and Wellness Center
Adult and Child Psychiatrists & Child and Family Therapists located in Norman, OK
Bipolar disorder can begin in children, teens, and adults, but the average age of onset is 25. If you experience an episode of mania, it’s important to see the providers at Summit Health and Wellness Center in Norman, Oklahoma. Dr. Smart has extensive experience working with patients from across Oklahoma who have bipolar disorder, using a holistic approach that helps you maintain balance through therapy and medication management. To schedule an appointment for yourself or your child, call the office or use the online booking feature.
Bipolar Disorder Q & A
What are the different types of bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, is a neurological condition that causes shifts in your mood and energy. High-energy periods (mania) and low-energy periods (depression) vary in their frequency and severity, depending on the type of bipolar disorder.
To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you must experience at least one episode of mania or hypomania, which is a milder form of mania. Most patients continue to function well when they have hypomania. By comparison, full-blown mania can spiral out of control as your behavior becomes more unpredictable and impulsive.
Bipolar depression is typically severe and debilitating, often leading to strong feelings of failure, guilt, and thoughts of suicide.
What symptoms develop due to bipolar disorder?
While everyone has at least one episode of mania or hypomania, you may frequently cycle between highs and lows, or go through long periods without symptoms before becoming depressed or manic.
The symptoms of mania include:
- High activity level
- Difficulty sleeping
- Racing thoughts
- Rapid speech
- Feeling irritable
- Engaging in risky behaviors (substance abuse, reckless driving, sexual encounters)
The symptoms of depression include:
- Feeling sad or hopeless
- Limited or no activity
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Eating too much or too little
- Difficulty concentrating
- Suicidal thoughts
Suicide is a constant concern when you have bipolar disorder because many patients are also suicidal while in a manic state.
How do you treat bipolar disorder?
After performing a one-hour intake evaluation at Summit Health and Wellness Center, your provider will diagnose the cause of your symptoms and develops a customized treatment plan.
The team at Summit Health and Wellness Center believes that therapy is the cornerstone of treatment. With therapy, you learn the skills you need to maintain balance, adapt to stress, and improve relationships.
In addition to therapy, however, medication is also an important part of your treatment for bipolar disorder. The team at Summit Health and Wellness Center provides ongoing medication management to ensure you have the best medication and the optimal dose for preventing mania and stabilizing your mood.
After your intake evaluation, you may be a good candidate for telemedicine. If you choose telemedicine, every third visit must be in person; otherwise, your appointments can be done using secure video conferencing.
If you or your child experiences a period of hypomania or mania, with or without depression, call Summit Health and Wellness Center or schedule an appointment online for a complete bipolar disorder evaluation and treatment.